WCIRB: Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau
The WCIRB is a California unincorporated, private, nonprofit association comprised of all companies licensed to transact workers’ compensation insurance in California, and has over 400 member companies. No state money is used to fund its operations.
To accurately measure the cost of providing workers’ compensation benefits, the WCIRB performs a number of functions, including collection of premium and loss data on every workers’ compensation insurance policy, examination of policy documents, inspections of insured businesses, and test audits of insurer payroll audits and claims classification.
WCIRB is the source for rates, class codes, and other rules that apply to the your Workers’ Compensation policy.
One new feature is class code searchability—you can enter a description of your business, and it will suggest some alternative class codes, which you can then review for applicability. Occasionally we find there are incorrect class codes in use, only because they were incorrectly assigned from the beginning.